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- Fix UFI Partition Error
fsck_msdos disk0s1
pmset -g assertions
These are the steps
- replacing the drivers > UEFI > AptioMemoryFix.efi with OpenRuntime.efi
- Also, add OcQuirk.efi (More Info:
- select: config.plist/Quirks > DisableIoMapper
XQuartz Menu Change
defaults write org.xquartz.X11 apps_menu '( ( Terminal, xterm, n ), ( xman, xman, "" ), ( xlogo, xlogo, "" ) )'
List all network hardware
networksetup -listallhardwareports
10Gbe Aquantia Fixes
- CaseyJ 10Gbe pacthes -> working!
- 10GbE Support Marvel Aquantia 10GBE patch
Kext to patch Find 41C70424 00000000 E9 Replace 41C70424 01000000 E9 comment Marvell AQC107 10GBE Patch
- Monterey 10GBE Patch by Mieze Monterey Patch by Mieze
We've got to modify the patch.
You need to find 41 c7 45 00 00 00 00 00 e9 and replace it with 41 c7 45 00 01 00 00 00 e9
From : z690 OC
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 standby 0 autopoweroff 0
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